​Before we begin, I’d like you to watch this here video so you’ll know fully what I am seething about today.

Dafuq I just hear? Oh, yea, CNN reporters feeling so sad-faced for a couple of rapists. Yes, CNN, let’s all give a collective awwwwwwwww for the misery these two fine, upstanding gentleman will now know due to one itty bitty mistake. That your line? What next? She made them? That might seem like a long shot but I’d disagree. I don’t care if you sound like a blubbering two-year-old; if you rape someone… fuck you. 

Some days, humans disgust me. Today is one of those days. There should be no pity for them. Oh, no, they’re going to prison! Poor dears. Oh no, afterward, they’ll be on sex offender registries for all their future neighbors to see!! In the words of Grumpy Cat… Good.

Why the fuck is anyone coddling these violent criminals? They attacked a drunk girl. One of them posted nudie pics of said drunk girl for others to see. So what if daddy never said he loved me and I’m only sixteen years old and my life is over. How do you think that survivor feels? She’s the one who has real shit to live with. How about that, CNN?

This really hurts my brain. I mean, my brain is so confused right now, it doesn’t know what to type next. There is no logic behind this insanity. A rapist is, by definition, a bad guy. Bad guys, last I checked, didn’t often deserve pity. Did something change? Have roles reversed? Is it wrong to seek justice when it means some pathetic asshole’s future gets fucked harder than his victim? Next thing you know, there’ll be a statue in Times Square dedicated to the misunderstood Adolf Hitler. Oh, people said such mean things to him he killed himself.

Again, one may think that last line there a stretch but, again, I’d disagree. Common sense and common decency are both endangered species. As a race, humanity is getting ready to jump off the cliff. And CNN is leading the way. And to think  I always assumed it’d be Fox News.

Maybe I’m old fashioned (or maybe new-fashioned) but I believe that any aww, poor child moments ought to be reserved for the one who actually suffers as a result of rape. You know, the one raped. She is the one who will carry the scars of the trauma. The rapists carry only what they created: a future of being known as rapists. They don’t deserve any pity, only intense ire.  And more than one to two years. You get more than that for a drunk driving charge, but that’s a whole other rant. The point here is not to complain about the inequalities in the justice system. Its to point out how incredibly insane the pitying of two rapists is. 

Is it a sign of the desensitized times that Frankenstein’s Monster is to be pitied for his sad, pathetic beginnings? Or should we condemn his for ripping out a woman’s heart? I go with the latter pretty much always. And these boys, though flesh and blood, are monsters. And monsters deserve no moment of silence or understanding or pity. They deserve to be punished and branded sexual deviants. Not poor little boys who have had their future threatened.

And, it may just be me, but do they even deserve a fractured future? That, dearies, I’ll leave for y’all to decide.

Will is an author and artist and producer (it’s only one indie short film but it’s on IMDB.com so it totes counts!) and founder of fetchentertainment.com and pain in the ass. He rather opinionated and has no problem sharing his thoughts on a variety of topics from the freakshow that was Election 2016 (how tf did Trump freaking win!?) to the importance of matching that belt to those shoes. He adores penguins and has a maniacal plan to use an army of them to take over the world and crown himself Emperor of All That Is (though he’d be happy with the Winter Russian Palace in what he would rename Mine!-Mine!-Mine!) but until then enjoys hiding away in his apartment and writing all sorts of tales that would worry that cokehead Sigmund Freud (really, we should believe he snorted for science!?) and drawing pictures of his creations.

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