​So I don’t know if y’all are fans of The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore but I’ve been enjoying it since it premiered as the replacement for The Colbert Report not too long ago. And normally, I find some very good, important points raised, especially during the show’s panel segment; Larry Wilmore has been giving voice to a lot of topics that affect this country and tend to do it in a humorous, but respectful, way.

Until April 2015 when the discussion centered around student/teacher sexual relations. Now, Larry was just being honest when he admitted that he wonders where these teachers were when he was in school – okay, a common enough adolescent boy fantasy – so that part didn’t rub me so wrong. The panelists, though, were so proud to show their ignorance, I almost stopped watching the episode.

It all boiled down to “blame the boy” and “embrace the double standard” which, when the same mentality is applied to girls, is sexist. Cause, you know, reasons. Isn’t the basis of gender equality in the name? What one is allowed to do, the other is, too. Shouldn’t the same protections be granted? If a male teacher has sex with a female student, the penalty almost always seems to be more severe (unless the judge is a secret pedophile) than what is done when the genders are swapped.

I think your “equality” is a bit one sided in yet another issue as Mo’nique proved when she said she wouldn’t necessarily want a female teacher locked up for banging her son (she has four) but if it was a male and her daughter (she has none), she’d want him thrown in prison. Oi. And show contributor Shenaz Treasury joked (?) that she had been the victim in high school when her boyfriend slept with his teacher. Um, that doesn’t make you a victim, but it does show your unfunny side. 

See, boys are only into one thing (um, just one? My penis disagrees with you) and cannot not resist sticking it in a warn, wet place until their toes curl. And as long as it’s not his teacher, it’s okay – according to Shenaz but considering the stupid that fell from her normally well-educated lips I can’t put much stock in her opinion. And as for the teachers, where’s their responsibility to say no? The boys obviously pursue them, what with their one track penises and all thus rendering the poor, frail woman free of guilt, knowing full well that a woman is powerless before the almighty cock.

Poor girls. You must be so weak. No wonder you’re not paid the same as boys.

Really, the entire thing turned it into a huge joke. Should we all just agree that teenage boys can bang older women (or men – keep it equal, for boys at least) to their heart’s content then there’s no rape, no crime and *poof* we’re all good.

Cause. y’know, you can’t rape the willing and boys are always willing.

Double oi.

I’ll be honest, when I was in high school, I was doing dirty things with people who would’ve (maybe) been thrown in jail for what we did (no, not teachers, though I had friends who did). And I’m not damaged by it, I’ve never once regretted it but I’m not everybody. I wasn’t forced, coerced or drugged. Not all boys who jump into the back seat with their hot teacher can say the same; there’s a reason those in power shouldn’t be bumping uglies with those they hold power over.

Just. No.

So stop making light of the serious situation. And don’t make me ask, “what if the roles were reversed” because I know the answer. Mo’nique stated it quite clearly.

Will is an author and artist and producer (it’s only one indie short film but it’s on IMDB.com so it totes counts!) and founder of fetchentertainment.com and pain in the ass. He rather opinionated and has no problem sharing his thoughts on a variety of topics from the freakshow that was Election 2016 (how tf did Trump freaking win!?) to the importance of matching that belt to those shoes. He adores penguins and has a maniacal plan to use an army of them to take over the world and crown himself Emperor of All That Is (though he’d be happy with the Winter Russian Palace in what he would rename Mine!-Mine!-Mine!) but until then enjoys hiding away in his apartment and writing all sorts of tales that would worry that cokehead Sigmund Freud (really, we should believe he snorted for science!?) and drawing pictures of his creations.

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